Friday, November 12, 2010


I'm back. Today I made pizza. I started by mixing the dough. Then I kneaded it.Then I rolled it out. It was a little bit hard to peel it off since I didn't put enough flour. Then I made the dairy-free one. I spread tomato sauce on both.
Then I put salami and ham on both.
But one didn't have cheese. The other did, obviously. Both looked very delicious. I put them in the oven.
I waited about 15 minutes after putting them in the oven.
Then we put them on plates and served! Yum!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Coming Back

Sorry I haven't blogged lately. I've been cooking, I just haven't blogged. I'm gonna start again so I can show my ideas going in the oven! It'll be fun! I just made a fruit salad out of banana, pear, apple, and strawberry.
So, that's it for now. I'll blog again someday!